Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

2000+ Rebels

What is a rebel?

Rebels used to be these guys with greased hair, modded cars or motorcycles and switch blades. Normal people would be completely terrified to see them zooming up in the rear view mirror. Joe - "uh oh honey, here come some punks." Then they would proceed to pass and pretend to run the squares off the road. Growing up, I thought those were the cool guys. I wasn't born in the 50s, but I have always liked old movies compared to usually what is out at the current time. I still watch classic movies more, even prefer a good old silent over most of the movies released now a days.

Throughout the years since these greasers, rebels have changed to hippies, punks, new wave, grunge, back to punk, whatever. All had it's good and bad ideals that made them edgy.

Lately I think it's all completely confused because meet today's rebel:

What? This guy is a rebel? Fuck yes he's a rebel, this guy has his awesome new luxury sports car suv oversized truck and he has to get to work RIGHT NOW. So you better watch your sorry ass if your driving on the freeway cause this guy will whip around you like the inferior piece of shit that you are. Emails, productivity, phone calls, secretaries to flirt, faxes to make, golf stories to discuss, football games to predict, this guy has no time to spare when he's racing to work talking to his dashboard in some very heated conversation or maybe he's just talking to his wife cause he sure as fuck doesn't do that on the weekend or at night time. Kids? What are those, I got my blue tooth and blackberry/iphone and that's way more important then some kid cause my child hood is completely lost (oh wait, smile for the camera, see i was there for you son).

Is this a rant? Yes, I am in this world, doesn't mean I have to like everything or everyone in it. that's why I scream in a heavy band, I have issues. Also the above picture is a random one I got off google, if this guy is actually a nice guy, then you don't get the point.

I think I'm now more worried about staring one of these guys down then a gangster.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

by tom denny

We will be playing some new stuff and our new drummer is awesome so come check us out. Also get the guitar center magazine thing brochure handout sale deal whatever that goes out in the mail and see his interview in it, he doesn't play v-drums i think... he should though...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

sorry to have kept you waiting

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DumDum is the Queen

We posted a new song up from our album coming soon on Sentient Recordings.

The song was written when i was in a hotel room in Canada living there finishing a project called DarkSector cut off from my band mates except through various recordings sent through email.

I remember playing that riff in the middle over and over as storm clouds came in by the windows of the hotel. I was mostly just messing around trying to get better at playing and thinking it sounded kind of good. So I wrote the rest of the song around that riff. It wasn't until we practiced it that I whipped out a slide and did the noise section at the end.

I knew the singing had to be handled mostly by Brian. At the time I watched an Elizabeth Bathory documentary and ended up writing about that from her point of view. I was told i should name my band after a lollipop called dumdum so i decided to name the song dumdum is the queen so that the name dumdum could be used somewhere. I didn't realize that many bands had already written songs about Bathory and there was a band named Bathory till after I did that, I knew someone had to have done it before me, but I didn't realize how many otherwise I probably would've changed the lyrics to something more greek. The part after the middle where the noises are coming in and the guitar and screaming are alone is narrative from Bathory's point of view of dying and not having recieved the coins to cross the ferry into the realm of the dead because no one liked her enough to bury her properly. So the journey at the end is basically meant to be her death and abandonment after being so greedy to have killed innocent women to keep her young and beautiful.

The song recorded sounds like how I envisioned it, the ending was crazy cause I didn't have any real clue except a couple parts that I had notes for mostly at the start of the slide part to the end where the song quiets a bit. It's mostly just improve noise making that turned out being even better then I thought it was going to be. The slide part was done in two takes, i didn't try and fix it or redo it, just two takes and Brian mixed them together masterfully.

I've always been way into Brian's singing and like the transitions of the song and how it developed. Thomas's guitar part at the beginning provides the atmosphere that part needed and ryan's drums on the whole song are great. The toms for the last half of the song and the build ups to downs by Ryan are really good helping to visualize the journey the song is meant to take the listener on.

Anyways, enjoy it as much as I do after hearing the work done. More will be given as we put more songs up!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

welcome to war,
did you bring your A game?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Cocaine

Here is another show! we go on around 11pm, so come out and watch us play some new songs. If you can't make this show, we have another coming soon at the Viper room on October 5! Flier coming soon for that.

Solar wimp are awesome and can't wait to see the other bands. The cocaine is a place that suggests a very mellow and fun atmosphere, we haven't played there but are looking forward to it as well as playing with our new drummers complete kit (things a monster).

Monday, September 7, 2009

cause my problems, fix my faults

hungry dead don't make good friends

blame on

says the glow of electric jesus

suv parking lot