Saturday, January 16, 2010

another dumb ad near my work...

Not really a perfectionist, i don't have OCD or anything and normally i just don't care, but come on, no one could tell the guy he's holding the guitar completely wrong?

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Show of the Year and Album Cometh

Come out and watch us play some new songs and old ones. It's 6 bucks and we've been having fun live lately.

Not only are we playing live for the first time this year, we are also releasing our first full album soon. We should have a confirmed date soon, but all has been said and done. To stay on top of the release of the album check this site:

Or you can sign up to the mailing list to get updates from awesome bands like Wire Werewolves, Bacteria Cult and Circuit Wound:

See you soon.