After band practice tonight i opened my garage to find this guy trying to get in. I'm glad I didn't step on him by accident cause those things are pretty big and it would leave quite a mess. This is the first time I saw one alive. It scurried away when i pushed it with an aluminum bat.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
After band practice tonight i opened my garage to find this guy trying to get in. I'm glad I didn't step on him by accident cause those things are pretty big and it would leave quite a mess. This is the first time I saw one alive. It scurried away when i pushed it with an aluminum bat.
Monday, September 20, 2010
the swans
I've been into the swans for a bit now, it all started after getting the first sonic youth album (sonic death, not sure it's a first release, but it's live recordings around the beginning of the band and it's way good if you like them). At the end of the Sonic Death album they mentioned 'do you want to hear a sonic youth Swans jam fest?' then the CD ends to my disappointment.
After this we searched, my buddy in music exploration and I. At one point I stumbled onto Soundtracks for the Blind and made anyone within my life listen to it. It's dark, full of halloween prop type sounds and full of interviews with people featuring different ailments in life. The music throughout is completely hypnotic. The atmosphere is dense, brooding and punishing. However, I wouldn't call them metal.
All this from a band's last album, till now. They are releasing a new album, and they even moved the date from September 27th to September 21st out of nowhere.
The album is streaming here:
check it out
soylant green
Whether the public will have an appetite for it is another matter. Genetic engineering is already widely used for crops, but the government until now has not considered allowing the consumption of modified animals. Although the potential benefits — and profits — are huge, many individuals have qualms about manipulating the genetic code of other living creatures.
Part of the two-day hearing will focus on labeling of the fish. It is possible that if the modified salmon is approved, consumers would not even know they were eating it. Current FDA regulations only require modified foods to be labeled as such if the food is substantially different than the conventional version, and the agency has said that the modified salmon is essentially the same as the Atlantic Salmon.
Approval of the salmon would open the door for a variety of other genetically engineered animals, including an environmentally friendly pig that is being developed in Canada or cattle that are resistant to mad cow disease.
I can't wait to start eating genetically altered humans.
press record then delete your mind
I don't want to promise anything because how can an album be more heavy then led zepplin, catchier then the beatles, noisier then sonic youth, more atmospheric then the swans, etc. We only know that we are very happy with our progress as a band and can't wait to hear some of these songs completed, let alone share them with you.
If there is anything worth sharing I'll put it up while we are recording, till then go buy our last album here:
or track us down.